Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The "Usuals"

About 50% of the people we get in the shop are regulars, i.e. they come in every single day and get a coffee...usually the same thing because they are more than likely frightened of change. It's kind of an expensive area so people spend around $40-$75 a week. Ha! You laugh. You think I am kidding? Seriously, I'm not. There are people dying around the world and I swear to God people spend an upwards of $50 a week on coffee.

That being said, most of the regulars are nice, upbeat, interesting and friendly. They're the ones that not only get it...they also get the drinks made as a priority with special little foam animals on top (thank you Nate). We treat them good, damnit!

However, believe it or not. Their are a few 'regulars' who actually have the audacity to treat us like shit. Funny, we serve them their drug every day and they act like it was their god given right for us to have somehow felt their presence before they even got there and have their drinks ready by the time they got to the counter.

OR, what pisses me off even more is when they roll their eyes while standing in line! Seriously...like God is supposed to come down, part the crowd and allow them a clear fucking path....get a life. And then they get all impatient on us, ignore us when we ask how they are and continuously ask if "this is their drink."

However, recently a rather pompous regular royally pissed me off...(not a good idea, remember, I can give you decaf)

"Hi, Venti coffee today?"

Stands there, apparently he didn't hear me. "Uhh, I get the same thing every day!" He actually throws his hands out from dramatic effect. Did the asshole not just hear what I said? Or was he too busy with pulling the stick out of his ass to hear me? Now you see where I get the idea that I was obviously supposed to have his coffee ready by the time he got to the counter.

"Actually I just asked you if you'd like a Venti coffee" And if you'd actually listen to me instead of assuming I am some lower form of life that breeds off fungus and worms, then you'd realize that. Ass. Yeah, you heard me.

I get his coffee and he just kind of looks as me, like "Well, I DO." What he didn't realize is that I DON'T CARE!


kate said...

Some people are just dumb, self-important and unhappy ... they don't realise that you could water down their coffee or any other number of things.

Hope you had a good weekend. Glad you're back!!

All in a day... said...
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All in a day... said...

tries again!!!!!

I see your weekend away sharpened your wit ;)

Whew, no typos!

daddylikeyblog said...

I've always wanted to be a regular, but I can't afford it. Actually, though, with your special "sample" sizes, maybe I could!
p.s. You're so funny. We need to hang out more and be funny together. Everyone would envy us.

Anonymous said...

I did not realize the amount of money people spend a week on coffee and other shit. I love coffee myself, but my god....and don't these asshole customers ever think that you could very well spit in their drink....regardless if they 'think' they can see your every move and regardless if they are a regular or not. I would definitely add some extra foam now and again :)