Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"Oh Geez, it's my turn already?"

So i know that sometimes the barista's can get a bit rushed when we are at our busiest times in the morning. It's so hard not to when there is a line out the door though! Plus we have the line sighing in disbelief that they have to wait in a line, that we are trying our best to get through it as quickly as we can.

However, I have yet to understand how someone could wait in line for ten minutes and finally get to the front and still have no idea what the fuck they want to order. I mean, for cryin out loud! You just waited FOREVER to get to the register and you just now decide to look up at the menu and take your pick? It's been there all along, you know. And it's nice and big so that you can see it from like a mile away.

And then, after they fluster with what they want to order, with half a dozen people rolling their eyes and muttering "for fuck's sake" under their breathes, the idiot orders a plain old latte. I mean, seriously....


Anonymous said...

That makes me irate too.
Along with people who wait forever in line and don't have credit card or cash ready.
Seriously, what have you been doing for the last 10 minutes?
I try to be a team player in situations like that.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lyn. Hope you are having fun on your trip!!!! Good to see you last night. I also want to say that I hate when people...anywhere...take forever to order or pay or anything. For fuck sake,,,,,you plan to go somewhere, so why not just also plan what you're getting.....geez. Okay we'll chat later

kate said...

THis was a good one ... it happens all the time.

LADY said...

Your blog is hilarious. I so relate - I used to bartend at a huge club here in NYC and it really made me detest people. I just walked away from people who didn't know what they wanted when they finally got up to the bar. I feel bad that you guys are trapped back there!